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Let's Write Together.
Writers' Hour is a virtual, hour-long writing sprint held each weekday.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join as many as you like.Grab a drink, prep your writing project, and get some writing done with us!

❤️ Trusted by over 20,000 writers.

Four Glorious Sessions,
Every Monday to Friday
Join as many as you like.

What happens at Writers' Hour?
(via Ali Abdaal)

Why Writers Love Writers' Hour

93 writers this morning writing in silence in our daily Writers’ Hour. 😍✍️We’ve decided to run this throughout May, so if you want to write, you know where to find us. Sign up in our bio.
— The London Writers' Salon (@WritersSalon) May 4, 2020
What Writers Are Saying.
"I've done more writing this week than in the whole previous 3 years combined."
"It’s so good to be writing regularly again - you’ve been instrumental in reviving this in my life! My soul is happy. 😊 "
"Good - got the blog post done - time does fly. So useful :)"
"Structured my synopsis so I feel good to tackle it in the next few days."
"I've been a wannabee writer for so long. I've had great family and friends feedback about some of my brief stabs at writing but never the focus or confidence to commit to anything serious. [Writers' Hour] is providing me with the platform to push myself into discovering whether I can master and enjoy the writing process."
"Wrote a short piece to lead into another. great!"
"The accountability and presence of everyone really helps me to focus."
"I started another poem in French - not quite done but a good beginning."
"The most writing I’ve done in a single setting."
"Thank you for the support! Happy to have found this group!"
"Thank you for providing a platform of steadiness in the mornings. It’s helping me find a time to zone in and get my thoughts in order."
"I did not consider myself 'a writer' when I joined you many months ago... 2 days ago I received my first ever payment for writing for someone in America! Whoop whoop!"
"I was stuck with writing block for several months, tried a lot of things to overcome it and only Writers' Hours helped me. Finally I have lots of ideas and bring back the same passion to writing I had earlier. All this became possible thanks to you."
"Missing Writers' Hour this morning has demonstrated to me how much I have come to rely on you and everyone else who shows up over the last three months."
"For the first time in my life, after years’ worth of failed New Year resolutions to become a morning person, THIS group has made me succeed. I now get up by 7:20 every day, so that I can get dressed, take a quick walk around the block, and make tea in time to raise my mug at 8 a.m."
"Writers Hour has the been the prompt I needed to finally start actually writing, after years of daydreaming about it."
"1800 words. better than expected."
"I love Writers' Hour mornings. It's the most productive hour of my day."
"Got on a roll with draft notes today. Thanks guys!"
"Honestly amazed at how much I could get done when I was seeing other people writing and not doing dumb bullshit on Twitter."
"Feeling great, wrote more than 800 words."
"Turned a corner on my script. I am a complete novice so feeling my way in the dark. But being here an hour each day has been so so useful."
"I already feel a revolution in my daily writing practice."
"Thanks - got about 1000 words written, which is more than I've done for a long time!"
"I love this, consistency is key!"
"It's amazing how much progress can be made in an hour. I'm feeling confident that I know where my story is heading now."
"I’m very grateful, this has really helped me keep to a writing schedule. Not sure I’d have achieved so much these past few days without it."
"I made it to my first Writers' Hour today...It was wonderful and I had some personal breakthroughs in my journaling!!"
"I had been unable to write for 3 years, but last month you rescued me. Now I have a short story ready to pitch and a radio play half written."
"First time here. I have handwritten 6 pages. Thank you for holding the space for this."
"Previously I would put my writing last in the day, after I’d done everything else for everyone else. Now, my writing comes first. Thank you for creating such a positive, supportive writing community!"
"From Monday to Friday my day is largely structured by Writers' Hours and although I am still a very slow writer, it means that there are at least three hours per day when the gremlins of distraction can’t get at me. Plus I enjoy the feeling of community you engender, which is so nice for us solo wordsmiths."
Write with us ✍️

Brought to you by London Writers' Salon.❤️ Member supported.