Let's Write Together.

Writers' Hour is a virtual, hour-long writing sprint held each weekday.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join as many as you like.Grab a drink, prep your writing project, and get some writing done with us!

❤️ Trusted by over 20,000 writers.

Four Glorious Sessions,
Every Monday to Friday

Join as many as you like.

What happens at Writers' Hour?
(via Ali Abdaal)

Why Writers Love Writers' Hour

What Writers Are Saying.

"I've done more writing this week than in the whole previous 3 years combined."

"It’s so good to be writing regularly again - you’ve been instrumental in reviving this in my life! My soul is happy. 😊 "

"Good - got the blog post done - time does fly. So useful :)"

"Structured my synopsis so I feel good to tackle it in the next few days."

"I've been a wannabee writer for so long. I've had great family and friends feedback about some of my brief stabs at writing but never the focus or confidence to commit to anything serious. [Writers' Hour] is providing me with the platform to push myself into discovering whether I can master and enjoy the writing process."

"Wrote a short piece to lead into another. great!"

"The accountability and presence of everyone really helps me to focus."

"I started another poem in French - not quite done but a good beginning."

"“The most writing I’ve done in a single setting."

"Thank you for the support! Happy to have found this group!"

"Thank you for providing a platform of steadiness in the mornings. It’s helping me find a time to zone in and get my thoughts in order."

"I did not consider myself 'a writer' when I joined you many months ago... 2 days ago I received my first ever payment for writing for someone in America! Whoop whoop!"

"I was stuck with writing block for several months, tried a lot of things to overcome it and only Writers' Hours helped me. Finally I have lots of ideas and bring back the same passion to writing I had earlier. All this became possible thanks to you."

"Missing Writers' Hour this morning has demonstrated to me how much I have come to rely on you and everyone else who shows up over the last three months."

"For the first time in my life, after years’ worth of failed New Year resolutions to become a morning person, THIS group has made me succeed. I now get up by 7:20 every day, so that I can get dressed, take a quick walk around the block, and make tea in time to raise my mug at 8 a.m."

"Writers Hour has the been the prompt I needed to finally start actually writing, after years of daydreaming about it."

"1800 words. better than expected."

"I love Writers' Hour mornings. It's the most productive hour of my day."

"Got on a roll with draft notes today. Thanks guys!"

"Honestly amazed at how much I could get done when I was seeing other people writing and not doing dumb bullshit on Twitter."

"Feeling great, wrote more than 800 words."

"Turned a corner on my script. I am a complete novice so feeling my way in the dark. But being here an hour each day has been so so useful."

"I already feel a revolution in my daily writing practice."

"Thanks - got about 1000 words written, which is more than I've done for a long time!"

"I love this, consistency is key!"

"It's amazing how much progress can be made in an hour. I'm feeling confident that I know where my story is heading now."

"I’m very grateful, this has really helped me keep to a writing schedule. Not sure I’d have achieved so much these past few days without it."

"I made it to my first Writers' Hour today...It was wonderful and I had some personal breakthroughs in my journaling!!"

"I had been unable to write for 3 years, but last month you rescued me. Now I have a short story ready to pitch and a radio play half written."

"First time here. I have handwritten 6 pages. Thank you for holding the space for this."

"Previously I would put my writing last in the day, after I’d done everything else for everyone else. Now, my writing comes first. Thank you for creating such a positive, supportive writing community!"

"From Monday to Friday my day is largely structured by Writers' Hours and although I am still a very slow writer, it means that there are at least three hours per day when the gremlins of distraction can’t get at me. Plus I enjoy the feeling of community you engender, which is so nice for us solo wordsmiths."

Write with us ✍️

Brought to you by London Writers' Salon.❤️ Member supported.

Join our daily writing sessions and creative community.

Writers' Hour

Daily Writing SessionsBuild a Writing Habit.
4 x daily, Monday to Friday.


Try us for 14 Days.
No payment required.

*Suggested: £9 / month

(about $12/mo)

After your 14-day trial, we'll suggest a donation of £9/month.Can't afford that? No problem. Use code WRITERFRIEND for free access, no questions asked.

Paying Members get access to:

✍️ 21 Writers' Hour sessions each week🎟 50%-off Interviews & Workshops✅ Monthly Writing Challenges💰 Paid writing Opportunities📣 A place to share Published work💬 Direct Messaging in Member Portal🍸 Member-only socials & parties🙏 Public Shoutout

Silver Writer

Community + Live EventsConnect with fellow writers and improve your craft.

£29 / month*

(about $37/mo)

*Or only £25 / month when joining annually.

Get access to Writers' Hour, plus:

❤️ Private Online Writer Community🎙 Live Weekly Interviews & Workshops🖥 Library of 250+ Recordings🏕️ 24-Hour Silent Writing Cabin☕️ 24-Hour Café for meetups💭 Writing Prompt of the Week📝 Open Mic & Critique Sessions to share work and get feedback🚪 'Writing Rooms' to gather around special interests, genres & niche topics💰 Writing Opportunities & Contests📣 Share & Promote Your Work🎯 Monthly Goal Setting Workshops📚 Discounts & Books Giveaways📑 20%-off Scrivener Writing Software🏃🏻 £29-off Monthly LWS 4-Week 'Sprints'💻 £30-off LWS Self-Paced Online Courses☕️ 25%-off the LWS Shop📚 Free Book Giveaways🌎 Local Meetups

Gold Writer

Accountability + Expert SupportWeekly check-ins & office hours to achieve your writing goals.

£79 / month*

(about $99/mo)

*When joining annually. Or £97 month-to-month.By application only.

Everything in Silver, plus:

✅ Weekly Accountability Check-Ins to set your goals and get unstuck🕰 Weekly Office Hours with expert editors, authors & agents🗓 Writing Goal Tracker to track your progress week on week💛 Accountability Pods to get matched with another writer to stay on pace📈 Story Grid Books📚 Book Proposal Resources🎓 30+ 'Expert Hour' Seminar & Workshop Recordings🏃🏻 £79-off Monthly LWS 4-Week 'Sprints'👓 10%-Off Private Editorial & Coaching.

Writers ❤️ Writers' Hour

Thanks for Registering for Writers' Hour!

We recommend taking a few steps:1. Bookmark this page in your browser. 📌2. Check the Writers' Hour Calendar to join the next session. ⏰3. Access Writers' Hour Zoom links and add to your calendar. 🗓

Writers' Hour is made possible by our wonderful supporters.

Help keep Writers' Hour alive by supporting as a member.(Plus, lots of goodies when you do...)"Has already paid for itself...wrote more in the last week than in the last 44 years."

Writers' Hour Calendar

Displayed in your computer's local time.

Writers' Hour Zoom & Calendar Links

PS - You're welcome to join ANY session, no matter where you're located.

SessionTime (MON-FRI)Meeting IDZoom LinkPWAdd to Cal
🇬🇧 London 8AM8-9am UK170 894 946ZoomLWSWRITEGoogle / iCal
🗽New York 8AM8-9am ET (1-2pm UK)849 7686 1144ZoomLWSWRITEGoogle / iCal
🌴 Los Angeles 8AM8-9am PT (4-5pm UK)989 1935 7487ZoomLWSWRITEGoogle / iCal
🌿 Wellington, NZ 8am8-9am NZST (Sun-Thu, 9-10pm UK)880 8520 3020ZoomLWSWRITEGoogle / iCal

Use Google Calendar? Import the entire Writers' Hour calendar .

🌏 Need help converting to your timezone?
Use this Timezone Converter.

Any questions? Issues? Email us [email protected]

Get In Touch.

Have a question? Comment? Idea?Get in touch.

The Writers' Hour Story.

On March 23, 2020, as the world headed into COVID lockdown, we (Parul & Matt) asked ourselves:How can we serve the writing community during this challenging time?Our answer: Writers' Hour.One dedicated hour to write, alongside other writers from all over the world.

Day 1 of Writers' Hour.

We opened up a Zoom room at 8am on a Monday morning, and invited other writers to write with us.Our aim? To create a space to help writers stay productive and connected during these uncertain and confusing times.On Day 1, nine writers showed up.By Day 5, there were thirty.Today, over 800 people write with us every day across four Writers' Hour sessions.

Now we host 4 glorious Writers' Hours, every weekday.

8-9am BST

8-9am ET

8-9am PT

8-9am NZST

What Is Writers' Hour?

Writers' Hour is 1 hour of focused time to work on your own writing project(s).We start by checking-in:
What are you working on today?
Then we cheers our drinks, and for 50 focused minutes, we write.We end by checking-out:
What’d you get done?
No matter what's happening in the world, during this hour, we shut it off and write.This simple hour of writing has improved thousands of people's lives.

Writers' Hour By The Numbers.

Since March 2020, thousands of writers across the globe have joined us to write.Millions of words have been written, screenplays sketched out, PhDs progressed, short stories started, morning pages scribbled, and blogs published.




Writing Sessions


Total Writing Hours

What Happens in Writers' Hour?

A snapshot from one Writers' Hour session...

"I've done more writing this week than in the whole previous 3 years combined."

"It’s so good to be writing regularly again - you’ve been instrumental in reviving this in my life! My soul is happy. 😊 "

"Good - got the blog post done - time does fly. So useful :)"

"Structured my synopsis so I feel good to tackle it in the next few days."

"I've been a wannabee writer for so long. I've had great family and friends feedback about some of my brief stabs at writing but never the focus or confidence to commit to anything serious. [Writers' Hour] is providing me with the platform to push myself into discovering whether I can master and enjoy the writing process."

"Wrote a short piece to lead into another. great!"

"The accountability and presence of everyone really helps me to focus."

"I started another poem in French - not quite done but a good beginning."

"“The most writing I’ve done in a single setting."

"Thank you for the support! Happy to have found this group!"

"Thank you for providing a platform of steadiness in the mornings. It’s helping me find a time to zone in and get my thoughts in order."

"I did not consider myself 'a writer' when I joined you many months ago... 2 days ago I received my first ever payment for writing for someone in America! Whoop whoop!"

"I was stuck with writing block for several months, tried a lot of things to overcome it and only Writers' Hours helped me. Finally I have lots of ideas and bring back the same passion to writing I had earlier. All this became possible thanks to you."

"Writers Hour has the been the prompt I needed to finally start actually writing, after years of daydreaming about it."

"1800 words. better than expected."

"I love Writers' Hour mornings. It's the most productive hour of my day."

"Got on a roll with draft notes today. Thanks guys!"

"Honestly amazed at how much I could get done when I was seeing other people writing and not doing dumb bullshit on Twitter."

"Feeling great, wrote more than 800 words."

"Turned a corner on my script. I am a complete novice so feeling my way in the dark. But being here an hour each day has been so so useful."

"I already feel a revolution in my daily writing practice."

"Thanks - got about 1000 words written, which is more than I've done for a long time!"

"I love this, consistency is key!"

"It's amazing how much progress can be made in an hour. I'm feeling confident that I know where my story is heading now."

"I’m very grateful, this has really helped me keep to a writing schedule. Not sure I’d have achieved so much these past few days without it."

"I made it to my first Writers' Hour today...It was wonderful and I had some personal breakthroughs in my journaling!!"

"I had been unable to write for 3 years, but last month you rescued me. Now I have a short story ready to pitch and a radio play half written."

"First time here. I have handwritten 6 pages. Thank you for holding the space for this."

"How Has Writers' Hour
Impacted You?"

We asked our writing community what Writers' Hour gives them.
Here's what they said:

👉 Read More: What Writers' Hour means to 85+ writers. 👈

A Peek Into Our Writers' #WritersView

We asked some of our writers to share where they write.
Here's their #WriterView.

Hope to see you at the next one!

Write with us at Writers' Hour:

PS: Watch our interview about the story of Writers' Hour 👇

Meet the Writers' Hour Hosts & Team.

Our wonderful hosts keep Writers' Hour a happy, productive, and sacred space to create.

🦄 Kathryn ("KK")

Bringing magical writing energy and generosity of spirit to our sacred hours.

Meet KK

🕺🏻 Matt ("Ma")

Co-Founder of LWS.
Globetrotter, voted 'most reassuring man on the internet'. Most likely to head-bop while hosting.

Meet Matt

💃🏽 Parul ("Pa")

Co-Founder of LWS.
Bringing London vibes and soothing tones to every session. Most likely to be journaling or editing while hosting.

Meet Parul

✨ Lindsey

Brooklyn's brightest sparkle. Observing and loving the world with all of her huge heart.

Meet Lindsey

🌈 Lauren D

The loving writer friend you need in your life. Bringing fun and big smiles to every room.

Meet Lauren

🎭 Kimberlee

Bringing goddess energy, warm smiles & New York vibes to the Writers' Hour stage.

Meet Kimberlee

🦋 Gina

Ohio-proud, Wales-based poet, yogi & essayist. Steady, strong, soothing when you need it most.

Meet Gina

🐈 Debbie

Bringing cats, movie soundtracks, and Midwestern charm to every session.

Meet Debbie

⚡ Sarah

Expect flashes of inspiration, delight, and sunny radiance when Sarah hosts.

Meet Sarah

🦮 Phoebe

Playful, perpetually up to something, sneaking lesbians into projects and waiting for kettles to boil.

Meet Phoebe

🪽 Tracy

Bringing angels, spirits, cats and calm from Isle of Wight. Always near a pot of tea and a journal.

Meet Tracy

☕️ Sue

90% fueled by coffee. 120% reassuring. Most likely to be writing thrillers.

Meet Sue

🧜 Jyn

SoCal freshness with Georgia sunshine. The little woodstove that warms the whole cabin.

Meet Jyn

🦔 Patricia

Bibliomaniac, museum nerd, letter writer, animal lover, and champion of writers.

Meet Patricia

🌊 Molly

Generous, soothing, hug-in-a-smile of Duluth's finest. Enough to inspire anyone to keep going.

Meet Molly

🔮 Chelsey

International word witch making magic in the south of France. Never without tarot cards and a cup of coffee.

Meet Chelsey


Bringing Liverpudlian warmth, at desk by day, on stage by night. Most likely journaling on song concepts and flash fiction.

Meet Hannah

💌 Alicia

Marketing whiz and curator behind our 'Words of Wisdom' and 'The Daily Writer' emails.

"When people write about what’s in their hearts and minds, they feel better and get healthier."–Jeremy Nobel, MD, MPH, Writing is an antidote to loneliness.

Write with us during Mental Health Awareness Week.

Every weekday, we host Writers' Hour: a free, hour-long, virtual silent writing session where you'll write alongside others.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join one, or as many as you like.Plus, it's free*.

Read how Writers' Hour has helped improve people's mental health..

Hey, CTO Academy Members!
Build a writing habit with us.

You're invited to join us at Writers' Hour:An hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join one or as many as you like.Prep your writing project and get some serious writing done with us!🎁 Use discount code WRITERFRIEND for free access.

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

Hey, Faber writers!
Build a writing habit with us.

You're invited to join us at Writers' Hour: An hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold 4 morning sessions across four timezones. Join one or as many as you like.Prep your writing project and get some serious writing done with us!🎁 Use discount code WRITERFRIEND for free access.

❤️ Trusted by over 20,000 writers.

Hello, Poets!
Write with us during National Poetry Month.

You're invited to join us at Writers' Hour: An hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold 4 morning sessions across four timezones.Join one, or as many as you like.Write your poetry with us this month.🎁 Use discount code POETRYMONTH for complimentary access through the month of April.

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

❤️ Trusted by over 20,000 writers.

20 Glorious Sessions, Every Week

Join as many as you like.

Use discount code POETRYMONTH for free access.

Let's write together.

You're invited to join us at Writers' Hour: An hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold 4 morning sessions across four timezones. Join one or as many as you like.Prep your writing project and get some serious writing done with us!🎁 Try us out for 14-days, for free.

❤️ Trusted by over 20,000 writers.

Hi, Writers & Artists writers!
Let's write together.

You're invited to join us at Writers' Hour: An hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold 4 morning sessions across four timezones. Join one or as many as you like.Prep your writing project and get some serious writing done with us!🎁 Try us out for 14-days, for free.

❤️ Trusted by over 20,000 writers.

Hi, Shambhala writers.
Let's write together.

You're invited to join us at Writers' Hour: An hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold 4 morning sessions across four timezones. Join one or as many as you like.Prep your writing project and get some serious writing done with us!🎁 Use code SHAMBHALA100 for free access.

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

❤️ Trusted by over 20,000 writers.

21 Glorious Sessions, Every Week

Join as many as you like.

Use discount code SHAMBHALA100 for free access.

Hey, Arvon writers!
Let's write together.

You're invited to join us at Writers' Hour: An hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold 4 morning sessions across four timezones. Join one or as many as you like.Prep your writing project and get some serious writing done with us!🎁 Use discount code ARVONWRITER for free access.

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

❤️ Trusted by over 20,000 writers.

21 Glorious Sessions, Every Week

Join as many as you like.

Use discount code ARVONWRITER for free access.

Hey, 64 Million Artists Community!
Let's Write Together.

You're invited to join us at Writers' Hour: An hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join one or as many as you like.Start and build a writing habit with us.🎁 Use discount code WRITERFRIEND for free access.

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

What happens at Writers' Hour?
(via Ali Abdaal)

Why Writers Love Writers' Hour

Hey, Gotham Writers!
Let's Write Together.

You're invited to join us at Writers' Hour:An hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join one or as many as you like.Use code WRITERFRIEND for free access.Prep your writing project and get some serious writing done with us!

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

What happens at Writers' Hour?
(via Ali Abdaal)

Why Writers Love Writers' Hour

Hey, London Lit Lab Writers!
Let's Write Together.

Join us each weekday for Writers' Hour:A free, hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join one, or as many as you like.Grab a drink, prep your project, and get some serious writing done with us!

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

Hey, ALLi writers!
Let's Write Together.

Join us each weekday for Writers' Hour:A free, hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join one, or as many as you like.Grab a drink, prep your project, and get some serious writing done with us!

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

Hey, Foster friends!
Let's Write Together.

Join us each weekday for Writers' Hour:A free, hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join one, or as many as you like.Grab a drink, prep your project, and get some serious writing done with us!

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

Hey, Substack Writers!
Let's Write Together.

Join us each weekday for Writers' Hour:A free, hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held every Monday-Friday.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join one, or as many as you like.Grab a drink, prep your project, and get some serious writing done with us!

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

Write with us during NaNoWriMo.

Writers' Hour is a free, hour-long, virtual writing sprint, held each weekday morning.We hold four morning sessions across four timezones. Join one, or as many as you like.Grab a drink, prep your project, and get some serious writing done with us!

Brought to you with ❤️ by:

PLUS we'll throw in a two free resources:
- Get Your Story NaNoWriMo Ready seminar w/ Story Grid editors Parul & Randall
- A digital copy of Shawn Coyne's The Story Grid 101: The Five First Principles of the Story Grid Methodology

Fancy setting up your own writing group?

Start your own Writers' Hour* inspired writing sessions with our handy toolkit.Download this guide to help you get started.

*Or simply show up and write with us at Writers' Hour each weekday. 👉 Sign up here.

Brought to you with ❤️ by London Writers' Salon.

Helping writers write more, more often, with more success.

Set up your own Writers' Hour inspired writing group.

👉 Download the guide and get started.

You're also welcome to write with us at Writers' Hour each weekday. Sign up here.

Brought to you with ❤️ by London Writers' Salon.

Helping writers write more, more often, with more success.

Alumni Volunteer & Team Members

👻 Lauren M

Pop culture junkie, ghoul enthusiast, and the most thoughtful person in the room.

Meet Lauren

🌴 Shalini

Chief cheerleader of community published work and curator of paid writing gigs.

Meet Shalini

🍿 Beth

Lighting bolt of positivity, curiosity, and endless pop culture fun facts.

Meet Beth

Sign Up to Writers' Hour ✍️

* indicates required
Which session(s) would you like to attend? (Please select at least 1)

You'll also receive our "Daily Writer" email following Writers' Hour each Mon-Fri.

Would you also like a reminder email 15 minutes before Writers' Hour?

Change your email preferences or unsubscribe at any time.

* Writers' Hour is free thanks of our generous patrons.
Find more information on supporting as a member here.

💌 Mini Masterclass:How to Write & Grow Your Substack Newsletter w/ Polina Marinova Pompliano

🎙 Interview:Lessons from an Editor on Writing for Magazines & Substack w/ Farrah Storr

🖥 Webinar:
Get Your Story NaNoWriMo Ready
With Story Grid editors Parul Bavishi & Randall Surles

SlidesStory Grid Genre Resources

📈 Book:
Story Grid 101
The Story Grid 101: The Five First Principles of the Story Grid Methodology by Shawn Coyne

Let's Write Together.

The Writers' Hour is a virtual writing sprint held each weekday morning.Free for all to attend.Four sessions are held at 8am across four timezones. Join one or all sessions.Grab a hot drink and get some writing done with us!